NOK Schiffsbilder - Bilder

Menü : Spezialschiffe :   MARJATA

EinsenderFrankMehr Bilder von Frank    Letzter Eintrag20.05.2024 10:11    
Zugriffe73   Kommentar: 0    
"MARJATA"  - IMO n° 9648659/ in the Barents Sea in fog on April 14. 2024| Type:Research Vessel |Ship manager: (15)  NORWAY GOVT SJOFORSVARETS 9442 Ramsund, Norway|Flag: Norway| Home Port: Kirkenes |Call Sign:LBHD|MMSI:257088200|GT:5000| DWT:2500|Length oa:125  m|Beam: 23 m|Year of build:2015 | Builder/ Place: Vard Tulcea/  Tulcea (ROM)/  Yard No:-777  -> Cpl by Vard Langsten / Tomrefjord, (NOR) | *The "MARJATA" is a reconnaissance ship of the Norwegian Intelligence Service. She is the fourth reconnaissance ship named Marjata and has been in service since 2016. The ship's home port is Kirkenes on the east coast of Finnmark. The new reconnaissance ship project cost 1.5 billion NOK (160 million euros), making it one of Norway's most expensive military developments after the turn of the millennium.

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