Wolfgang 21.04.2023 09:12
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"UIKKU" - IMO n° 9797814 / NOK- Apr. 2023| Type of ship:Chemical/Oil Products Tanker |(Ex)- Name's: Sten Tor -> 01.02.2021 UIKKU |Ship manager: (21) OSM SHIP MANAGEMENT FINLAND OY Alto 4th, Gate8 Business Park, Ayritie 8A, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland/ Owner:SSC UIKKU OY Care of OSM Ship Management Finland Oy , Alto 4th, Gate8 Business Park, Ayritie 8A, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland|Flag:Finland|Port:Helsinki|Call Sign:OJTI|MMSI:230689000| NT:5597 |GT:14402| DWT:17500|Cargo tank capacity,Liquid: 20.000 m³| Length oa: 155.469/LPP: 150.950 m|Beam:23.959 m|Depth moulded :13.8 m|Draught:9.515 m| Main Engine: MAN-B&W (6G45ME-C9) 2 stroke 6 Cyl. 450 x 2.250 mm combustion engine 6.000 kW / 8.158 hp at 111,0 rpm/ Controllable pitch propeller/13.0 kn|Year of build:2018 | Builder/ Place: Taizhou Kouan Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. /Taizhou (CHN)|Yard No: TK1202 |
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