STORE BAY Michael Brakhage 11.06.2024 11:52 60 0
"STORE BAY" - IMO° 9733698/ Europort - Rotterdam 21. Jul. 2023| Type : Chemical/Oil Products Tanker|Ship manager: (15) METHANOL HOLDINGS Atlantic Avenue, Point Lisas Industrial Estate, Couva, Trinidad & Tobago/Owner: (15) ASTRAEA MARITIME SA Care of Masumoto Shipping Co Ltd , 8-8, Nakasaki 1-chome, Akashi-shi, Hyogo-ken, 673-0883, Japan/ ISM: (10) ANGLO-EASTERN SHIPMANAGEMENT S 16-02, Southpoint, 200, Cantonment Road, Singapore 089763 |Flag: Panama|Call Sign:3FLM4|MMSI: 352090000|NT:7540 |GT: DWT: 30711| Capacities: 37.054 cbm (12 Tanks)|Length oa:175.000 /LPP:166.7 m |Beam: 27.700 | Depth: 16.000 |Summer Draught :10.015 m| Freeboard Summer: 6013 mm| Main Engine:Mitsui 6 cyl. MAN- B&W ( 6S50ME-C8 )/ 7.230 KW / 16. 4 kn|Year of build: 2015 |Builder/ Place: Minaminippon /Ozai (JPN)/ Yard No: 744 |
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