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Menü : Schlepper & Versorger :  ANSGARITURM

EinsenderGary MarkhamMehr Bilder von Gary Markham    Letzter Eintrag19.02.2025 09:15    
Zugriffe117   Kommentar: 0    
"ANSGARITURM" OSA  201 - IMO n°  6915570/Manoeuvring onto Bollard Quay circa 1973. The offshore supply vessel has steadily increased in size and power over the intervening fifty years without anybody really noticing. It is not until one sees one of these old vessels again that the realization sinks in as to just how small they were, a bit like an adult walking into a school classroom and being surprised how small the desks and chairs are. This was the feeling for me when I once more saw this ship (now named Yaktemi) berthed in La Boca harbour in Argentina in March 2006| Type: Offshore Supply Ship | (Ex)- Name':  ANSGARITURM (Deutsche Dampfs Ges  Hansa  Bremen) ->79 YAKTEMI| Ship manager (16) /Owner:  (11) piso 2, Avenida Corrientes 316, C1043AAQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina/EMEPA SA piso 2, Avenida Corrientes 316, C1043AAQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina/EMEPA SA |Flag:Argentina|Call Sign:LW8733|MMSI:701000676|GT:446| DWT:725|Length oa 53.7/LPP: 49.2 m|Beam: 11.3 m |Draft:3.20 m| Side height 3.95 m| Engines: 2 x MWM ( TB 16 RS 18/22) with 1370 hp each/ 2 propellers in Kort nozzles/12.5 kn| Bow thruster: Tornado: 200 hp | Bollard Pull : 37.5 to| Equipment: Combined anchor-pulling towing winch with 80 tons towing capacity/1 Tugger winch 3 tons/ 1 Derrick SWL 5 tons/ Fire pump with 40 m³|Year of build:1969 |Builder/ Place:   Hitzler/ Lauenburg/Yard No: 711

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