Frank 28.03.2023 17:11
95 0
"LONE" - IMO n° 9458913/ Picture 15.10.2022 | Type of ship :Heavy Lift Cargo Vessel|Ship manager:(11) SAL HEAVY LIFT GMBH Brooktorkai 20, 20457 Hamburg, Germany (SAL Shipping UG & Co. KG MS "LONE" ) |Flag: Antigua and Barbuda| HomePort:St. John's|MMSI:305983000|Callsign:V2GL6 |Length: 161.0m|Beam: 28.0m|Depth moulded: 13.80 m|Freeboard: 3,309 m|Cranes:2 x 1,000 mtons SWL,combinable upto 2,000 mtons SWL|Main Engine: MAN (9L 58/64) 12,610 kW/20 kn |Bow thruster's: 2 x Brunvoll FU-80-LCR-2250 - 1.200 kW, forward/ 1x Brunvoll FU-63-LTC-1750 - 745 kW, aft|Year of build :2011|Builder/Place:Sietas/ Neuenfelde|Yard No:1280 |
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