| SVEND - IMO° 8924238 Hanstholm, Denmark 13. Jan. 1995.jpg
willi unbearbeitet 05.02.2025 14:36
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"SVEND" - IMO° 8924238/ Hanstholm, Denmark 13. Jan. 1995 |
willi unbearbeitet 05.02.2025 14:23
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"GERDA KLAUS" T367 / Hanstholm 13.Jan. 1995| Type: Trawler | Flagge: Daenemark |
| BIANCA NC 312 
willi Fischereifahrzeuge 05.02.2025 13:58
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"BIANCA" NC 312 - Imo° 8716930/ Hanstholm- Daenemark beim Loeschen am Eiswerk 13 Jan. 1995 |Type: Heckrawler| Eigner: H.Daluege KG Cuxhaven Rufzeichen: DFOK| Heimathafen: Cuxhaven|Flagge: Deutsch |Laenge ua: 33.02m| Breite: 8.49 m|Seitenhoehe: 6.51m| Tfg: 3.80m| Maschine: KHD ( SBV6M628)/784 kW 11.0 kn |
willi Bulkcarrier 05.02.2025 13:21
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"SWAN CAPE" - IMO° 723025 / "DETTMER TANK 81" - ENI° 04010280 / Bremerhaven Lloyd Werft 31.01.1995 | Bulker "SWAN CAPE" - IMO° 723025 is bunkered by TMS "DETTMER TANK 81" - ENI° 04010280 |
| SWAN CAPE - IMO° Bremerhaven Lloyd Werft 31.01.1995.tif ..2
willi unbearbeitet 05.02.2025 13:03
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SWAN CAPE - IMO° Bremerhaven Lloyd Werft 31.01.1995.tif ..2 |
willi Schlepper & Versorger 05.02.2025 12:54
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"SAN PETRO" - IMO° 6812340 / L.A. USA 03.11.1983|Built in 1967, by the Martinolich Shipbuilding Corporation of Tacoma, Washington (Yard No° 378) as the San Pedro for the Wilmington Transportation Company of Los Angeles, California| In 1994, the tug was reconfigured. Originally constructed as a single screw tug. She was outfitted with a forward mounted z drive unit to augment her existing single screw configuration. The retrofitted tug was dubbed a CombiTug. And, she was renamed as the Pacific Combi/In 1998, the Wilmington Transportation Company was acquired by the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington. Where the tug retained her name/In 1999, the tug was acquired by the American Navigation Company of San Francisco, California. Where she retained her name/In 2005, the American Navigation Company was acquired by the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington. The company became AmNAV Maritime Services of Oakland, California. Where the tug retained her name/In 2012, AmNAV Maritime Services was reabsorbed back into Foss Marine Holdings of Seattle, Washington. Where the tug retained her name/In 2017, she was acquired by Salmon Bay Barge Line of Seattle, Washington. Where the tug was renamed as the Combi. | Flag: USA| Home Port: San Francisco |Call Sign: WDC2838 |GT: 164|NT: 67 |Length: 26 m|Beam:8 m|Main Engine: EMD 12-645 diesel engine. With forward mounted sterndrive unit. For a rated output of 3,600 hp. |
willi Historisches & Oldies 05.02.2025 12:23
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"SAN DIEGAN" IMO° 5309578 / L.A. - USA 03.11.1984| Owner: Crowley Marine Services Inc. - San Francisco|Type:Tug boat| Flag: USA| Home Port: San Francisco |Call Sign: WBN3009|Year of build: 1953/Builder: PACECO - ALAMEDA CA, USA|GT 186 to| Length oa: 33.53 m |Beam: 7.93 m |Depth: 4.20 m| Sstatus: Active... ?|Flag:Venezuela |
willi Kreuzfahrt- & Fährschiffe 05.02.2025 11:32
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"VIKING" - Imo° 6825696/ Weser- Bremerhaven 06.07. 1983|Type: Passenger / tourist boat |Build year:1968/Builder:Husumer Dock & Reparatur - Husum, Germany/ Yard No:1264| (Ex)- Name's: VIKING (Forde-Reederei GmbH Flensburg) ->91 VIKING I ( Forde-Reederei GmbH Panama)- 99 CHRISTIANE II (Galston Associates Inc. Panama) - 01 RENATA I ( At Sea SA Panama) 07 VIKING (At Sea SA Panama ->HRV Zadar)|Flag:Croatia|Call sign: 9AA4723|MMSI: 238425840|Length oa: 40.2/LPP: 35.7 m|Beam: 8.1m|GT:314 |DWT:73 |Capacity: 405 passengers|Main Engines: Twin MAN ( R8V16/18TL)/ 734 kW/ 14 kn.
willi Kreuzfahrt- & Fährschiffe 05.02.2025 11:31
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"VIKING" - Imo° 6825696 / Bremerhaven 09.1983| Type: Passenger / tourist boat |Build year:1968/Builder:Husumer Dock & Reparatur - Husum, Germany/ Yard No:1264| (Ex)- Name's: VIKING (Forde-Reederei GmbH Flensburg) ->91 VIKING I ( Forde-Reederei GmbH Panama)- 99 CHRISTIANE II (Galston Associates Inc. Panama) - 01 RENATA I ( At Sea SA Panama) 07 VIKING (At Sea SA Panama ->HRV Zadar)|Flag:Croatia|Call sign: 9AA4723|MMSI: 238425840|Length oa: 40.2/LPP: 35.7 m|Beam: 8.1m|GT:314 |DWT:73 |Capacity: 405 passengers|Main Engines: Twin MAN ( R8V16/18TL)/ 734 kW/ 14 kn.
willi Historisches & Oldies 05.02.2025 11:03
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"TOR ANGLIA" - IMO° 7707736 /North Sea 29.01.1995|Type of ship : Ro-Ro Cargo Ship|Status of ship : Broken Up-Xinhui 6.2.10 by Xinhui Yinhu Ship Breaking Co.|IMO number : 7707736| (Ex)-Name's of ship :MERZARIO GALLIA--> 81 TANA - 83 NORDIC WASA - 86 AFRICAN GATEWAY - 87 TOR ANGLIA - 08 COMANAV TANGER - 09 TOR ANGLIA|Last Ship manager: DFDS A/S Sundkrogsgade 11, 2100 Copenhagen, O, Denmark|Flag :Denmark|Call Sign : OVOT2| Teu: 723 |Trailer: 146|GT :17492|DWT :8696|Length overall: 146.5 m->1979 Lg. 171.9/162.6m|Beam:21.5 m|Main Engine: 2 MaK/8.532 kW/18 kn|Year of build:1977|Builder/Place:Lindenau Shipyard/Kiel|Yard No:174 |